Doaba College Jalandhar (Punjab) is a Multi-faculty Postgraduate Co-educational Pioneer Institution of North India. The visionary founding fathers viz Sh. Bindraban Sondhi, Rai Bahadur Badri Dass, Sh. Jagan Nath Mittal and Acharya Lajja Vati were the icons of Arya Samaj and spartan freedom fighters who laid the foundation of Doaba College in 1941, to promote the philosophy of Maharishi Swami Dayanand. The primary mission of these philanthropists was to impart value based education to the less privileged and economically weaker sections of the society and make them fine human beings. It was conceived as a part of the national movement for freedom with education through traditional courses as a potent means to arouse public opinion to fight against imperialism and safeguard rich cultural heritage of the country under the dynamic and visionary leadership of earlier Rai Bahadur Badri Dass, Seth Stya Paul, Sh. Virendra – Nationalist Freedom Fighter and now keeping pace with changing times there is emphasis on professional courses under stewardship of Sh. Chander Mohan, Chief – Editor, Daily Vir Pratap and the President of Arya Shiksha Mandal.


Doaba College, Jalandhar has been pioneering the noble task of imparting qualitative, traditional and professional education since its inception in 1941. We are proud to be part of rich legacy of this 74 year old institution that has achieved rare milestones in its eventful history. The institution always strives to impart qualitative and holistic learning to the students. In its endeavour to nurture the students, the college has all traditional humanities courses as well as profession oriented courses. The college has 14 Undergraduate courses, 10 Postgraduate courses besides 6 Add-on-Courses. These variegated courses make the students fully competent for globalized world and vigilant citizens of the society.The large number of students that seek admission here in traditional courses like BA, B.Com, B.Sc (Medical & Non Medical), M.Sc. Mathematics, M.Com, MA English, MA Economics, MA Punjabi, MA Political Science, and Professional Courses like BA Journalism & Mass Communication, BA Honours School in English, B.Sc Biotechnology, B.Sc. Computer Science, B.C.A, B.Sc. IT, BTHM, MA Journalism and Mass Communication, M.Sc. IT and M.Sc Computer Science every year is our litmus test of social, parental approval and trust by generations. Every year students from Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab join this reputed institution in various traditional and professional undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

The college has vast sprawling lush green campus spreading over 21 acres, 65 airy and spacious class-rooms, both traditional and ICT enabled that sufficiently accommodate the available number of the students. Hi-tech Seminar Hall, Multi Media Hall, Multipurpose Hall and Virendra Auditorium foster healthy environment for the first rate learning. Vast playgrounds, DBT-Botanical Garden, Green House, Rose Garden, Computer Labs, Sports Gymnasium, Multi Media Hall, Hi-tech Studio, Open Air Theatre, Separate Boys’ and Girls’ Hostel, rich Library replenish the students to acquire all round development of their personalities and be potential human resources for national development.

The college has fourteen science labs, six computer labs and two geography labs fully equipped with new gadgets and equipments. The state of art Sh. Yash Chopra Audio Visual TV Studio of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Food Production lab of the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, English Language Lab of Department of English and SPSS lab provide career oriented training and skill to the prospective students.

The college at its own gives free admission and free text books for full session to all merit holders, and first 20 students in the district who secure 95% or more marks in Board/University examinations. Fee concession is given for those who secure 70% and above marks. Special fee concessions are given to students every year viz 25% fee concession for real Brother/Sister in all semesters, 25% fee concession (in first semester) for students coming out of Punjab state and special concession to the economically disadvantaged students. All modern techniques like Digi-Panels, Power Point Presentations, OHPs and Smart Boards are used for effective teaching along with the traditional chalk and blackboard method. The whole campus has access to Wi-Fi facility. Under INFLIBNET programme, the students and staff have an access to the online library, e-resources and e-books. The college provides the facility of online library. The college has a rich treasure of well-stocked library that has 61241 collections, 6000 e-journals through INFLIBNET list programme, 97000 e-books and the library provides 24 hour accessibility. The library has the services of Reprography, Download, Printing, Access to e-resources, Reference Service, login to OPAC to keep the students well awakened with the current information for their enhancement of knowledge.

The College has established MOUs with industries, research organizations and institutions to expand its academic horizon. Receiving feedback and to fulfill the industrial market demand many UGC sponsored Add-on-Courses have been prepared and practiced e.g.

  • Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma Course in Insurance and Risk Management
  • Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma Course in Banking Law and Practice
  • Certificate/Diploma/ Advanced Diploma Course in Computer Animation and Graphics
  • Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Computer Maintenance
  • Certificate/Diploma/ Advanced Diploma in Internet & Web Designing
  • Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma Course in Journalism & Electronic Media.
  • The students of various faculties viz Journalism & Mass Communication, Biotechnology, Commerce & Business Management and Tourism & Hotel Management are also taken for industrial visits so as to apprise them of the latest developments in their respective areas . For the benefit of the students of our institution DCJ School of Competitive Examinations has been training students for various Centre-UPSC and State-SSC level written examinations and interviews. PG Department of Computer Science and IT offers consultancy in the upkeep and maintenance of software and Hardware for Parents/Grand Parents/Senior Citizens through Senior Citizens Computer Related Problems Helpline and by conducting workshops for them. Professional Guidance Career Counselling and Placement Cell conducts programmes like personality development, communication skill workshops and small scale entrepreneurship training on a regular basis. Every year the college makes excellent efforts to give placement to the graduate and post graduate students through on campus placements drives.

    The unparalleled achievements of our various alumni are a tribute to the high standards of this institution. The college has produced a star studded galaxy of distinguished personalities of national and international acclaim – Lord Swraj Paul- Chancellor of Wolver Hampton University, the United Kingdom, Late Sh. Yash Chopra- internationally acclaimed Film Producer and Director, Sh. Prem Kumar Dhumal,-Former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh and Sh. Manoranjan Kalia-Former Cabinet Minister, Govt of Punjab,Ace comedians-Sh Gurpreet Ghuggi,Sh Deepak Raja and Sh Balwinder Vicky and many IAS, IPS, PCS, bureaucrats, educationists, engineers, doctors, journalists and business tycoons. The Department of Physical Education has produced many sports personalities of national and international fame, like Sh. Dalbir Singh Deol (Strong man of India, Arjuna Awardee), Vikram Rathore and Harvinder Singh (renowned cricketers) Sushil Kohli (Great Swimmer), Jai Singh (Mr. India Junior), Lad Singh (Mr. India), Thukral Brothers (Table Tennis). The college has notched distinctive positions in Kho-Kho, Cricket, Volley Ball, Wrestling, Power lifting, Air Pistol, Athletics, Best Physique and Body-Building. Sports Meet is annually held in which students participate with all alacrity.

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